Thursday, July 9, 2015

A rough week....

   Wow!  The battle has been a true challenge these past few days and I have been feeling just miserable.  Lots of intense nausea, light headiness and even some headaches...all on top of relentless fatigue not to mention and pain and stiffness of being in bed this much with Fibro too!  UGH!!

     Waking up this morning and feeling the worst ever, I knew it was time to seek more medical care and I started by calling the Oncology unit where I have my Chemo.   Chris, one of my nurses knew right away by my voices and symptoms that I needed to get in and I then slowly worked on getting dressed, getting Hubby home to drive me and taking care of feeding the Pups and such before I left.  I got there about 10, which as the plan and was started on IV Fluids, which Dr. Sunkura had ordered for me.  Unfortunately, she was at "Beverly" (one of the other Lahey Facilities)m, today and was not here in Gloucester, but she was only a phone call away and still took great care of me.  I also have Zofran (an anti nausea med) by IV and then she ordered a Head CT Scan to make sure the swelling was not worse.  I recently have been tapering off the "Steroids" and this can be a side effect of that.   Once the IV's we in place and I have the Zofran, I started to improve...and boy did that feel great.

   Took a few hours, but I am so happy I went and wound NEVER wait that long again.  The longest part was getting the "Pre-Authorization" fron my insurance, but once that came through, I had an appt in CT for 1:30 and that went well. I admit I am a bit apprehensive about this as it's the first CT of my head/brain since I had my Radio-static Radiation and that was planned to be in another few weeks., I am kind of nervous, but HOPING the results will be good.  I will have them in the morning, so keep me and them in our thoughts!

    Now its' about 7:18 PM and I've had some Chicken Soup and still feel good...which is a good sing and I can eat and keep food in and NOT feel worse.  I've also taken more fluids and now have a new RX for Zofran which for me works and sadly the Compazine, was NOT helping ONE from now on I opt for Zofran and HOPE it will always work this well.

    Getting ready to go to bed early and excited that I did NOT have to cancel any plans for tomorrow..because I have cancelled quite a few in the past three days and really want to feel well and be back on track.  One week from now I hope to be at Fenway Park for the Billy Joel Concert with five of my Best BFF's.    We are taking a limo into Boston leaving from here at 3 excited and will make sure I'm feeling good, so I do NOT miss this event, which has been planned for days now

  Hugs to you ALL and thanks so much for your continue support and caring comments...they really mean so much to me!

THANKS a Million!!

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