Friday, December 11, 2015

First Treatment with Opdivo!

Hi all,

    Just wanted to post a little update.  I had my first "Opdivo" Infusion/Treatment on Monday, and so far, so good.  I have not had ANY side effects and have feel pretty good.  Other than my normal fatigue and some nausea, all seems fine.

   I did have a very busy week too, so that's a bonus.  I went on a "bus trip" with my Mom and the the local "Senior Group" down to the Wrenthem Outlets, her in MA.  We had a fun day, although the weather was very cold and the food there was horrible.  I was totally wiped out and not feeling so hot on the way home and did my best to rest and tried to sleep.  It's a 2 hour drive and I was very happy when we were back.  This trip was on Tuesday, just one day after treatment

  Wednesday was a relaxing day....I finished up my Christmas cards, had my nails and and relaxed most of the day.

  Thursday was awful --- Not sure if I told you, but I have to now have Cataract surgery on my left eye after developing a cataract, which come to find out is very likely due to taking Steroids.  I have an appointment set up (after seeing the Retina Specialist last Friday) with the Surgeon today and they were told to book it, so that I could have all the testing / measurements done in ONE appointment, as it's hard for me to make the drive there, since it's out of town.  My appointment as at 10AM, and at 10:30 I was seen my the nurse who totally repeated "everything" I had done last Friday (eye exam, meds review) and so forth...even though the info was only 6 days old.  Kind of a waste of time..she then put in the drops to dilate my eyes and sent me over to Diagnostic,s where the "measurement were to be done....after a short wait the tech came out and informed me that I could NOT be measured, since I had worn my contacts (yes, that's all I have right now) and am using trials in the left to try and see)...long story short...we all think she was wrong now and that she must have some how thought I had "hard" contacts (I don't) and many others who wear soft contacts have NOT had this come up?  UGH!  I was taken back to the waiting area, when I was told I'd see the doc next and be given more options and would have to come back.  It's now 11:30 and the place is packed..the nurse came out, called in a patient and I noticed the lady next to me seemed upset, it was not her (me too)..then she told me HER appointment was for 9:30 (yikes)..and the woman next to her then said hers for 9:45...I knew then I was in trouble and knew I could not be there at least another's exhausting for me.  I went to desk, explained my upset with the measuring thing and told them I had to leave, as I could not wait another hour (or longer)...!    Needless to say, I am NOT going back there and talked to my local eye doctor today and have already set up and appointment with a new surgery here in my home town.  He's excellent and I know him already, so I probably should have gone to him from the get go, but when the Retina Specialists referred me in her group, I thought it would be fine!! WRONG!!

   Today, is a nice relaxing day....home with the pups and hope to do some 'wrapping', I love to buy my family and friends lots of fun gifts, but boy is it a ton of work to get them all wrapped!  I also need to mail out Brian's gift and his birthday comes first, which is on December 19th, he was my Christmas baby and I always make his birthday a totally separate event...!  Sadly many people I know who do have a birthday near or on Christmas seem to have everything lumped together...but not me..I make sure these are two special and distinct events!

    I also have some repairmen here today who are doing some patching and painting, to fix the mess that he heating installers made last month, when they installed two of the new units in the wrong places.  Thankfully, the company has been excellent and they hired this crew to repair the mess, which includes all the painting too! YA!

    My heart goes out to a dear friend, Jini who is a friend I met though a wonderful online group.  A really kind and sweet gal.  She had to have emergency surgery yesterday for a blood clot that developed near her heart...very scary and more so for her and her family, because her brother died of that condition, very unexpectedly and very young.  Thankfully, Jini's surgery is over and she's now the road to happy and healthier days...!  Please, keep her in your thoughts and prayers!   I am convinced now that the power of Prayer is huge and I know, in my heart it has helped...

   Hugs to all....and hope you are all enjoying getting ready for Christmas or whatever holiday your and your family celebrate!   Have a great week and as always thanks for all the kindness and caring!


Crafting with Darcy said...

Hi Lisa!
Sounds like you are keeping very busy with doctor appointments. That's too bad about your fiasco with the eye surgeon. I'm glad you will be going to the other one who is in your town and will take good care of you. I have been thinking about you and wondering if you were going to do the Opdivo. I have been seeing a lot of Opdivo commercials on television and I hope it works for you. You are in my prayers always.
My son is a Christmas day baby and sadly, we lump his birthday in with Christmas. But after reading this, I am going to try and see if we can do a separate celebration. He is married and has two kids and it is just crazy in December, but I am inspired to at least give it an effort. He has never complained or said anything, but he is not the type of guy to complain anyway. Very low-key.
I hope you have a very wonderful Christmas and that your treatments continue to go well!!
Holiday hugs!!

Cindy C. said...

Hi Lisa, sorry I haven't visit your blog lately. Lots of things happening, and I figure I see you often on FB. Keep up the positive thinking and stay strong!! I wish you and your love ones a wonderful Christmas season!!